Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Body Back Buddy For Trigger Point Therapy

September 26, 2009 by  
Filed under Manual Massagers

We all have trigger points on our bodies that can cause pain.  Some earned these points by overexerting themselves and other by getting injured somehow.  Sometimes they are referred to as “knots”.  Massaging these same points can help to alleviate a lot of aches and pains.  Trigger point therapy techniques can be done by a professional massage therapist or even by yourself.  You can do it by hand, but there are some points that might be hard to reach on your own like your back.  In that case you’ll either need another person to help massage those hard to reach places or you can purchase something like the Body Back Buddy.

Manual Massager

August 17, 2009 by  
Filed under Manual Massagers

Manual massagers work a little differently than electric massagers.  For one thing, obviously they are not powered by electricity.  They are solely operated with good old fashioned man power.  Another thing is that some of the electric massagers are a little heavy and bulky, but many of the manual ones are not.  They come in all different shapes and sizes.  Some are small and can be held in the palm of your hand, yet others are large and just sit on the floor while you use your body weight to get a massage out of them.  Either way they prove to be just as effective as an electric massager, but in a different way – there no vibration.  Often times you can get a deep penetrating massage by applying a little extra pressure and vice versa if you like less pressure.